Friday, March 11, 2016

Closer Yet (11356)

Since the last update I have finished a last day of work and started my extended leave, we said goodbye to the older five girls and dropped them off with all kinds of things to start their adventures for the next few weeks, traveled to St. Louis and had a central IV catheter put in under my right clavicle, and also wrapped up a few last minute tasks like a fitting for a post operative brace.  The post starts with a run on sentence... but in all fairness that is how we have felt for the last few weeks.  They have truly been a blur and the last few days before our surgery are going just as fast.

The blessing of family and friends have been amazing.  We feel so supported!  I cannot really explain how often we have seen someone step in and take care of something big or small.  There has been much to do and so much to think about but at every turn we have been loved and helped.  We are blessed and we are being held up in word, deed, and so many prayers and we praise God for all of you who have been part of bringing us to this point.

The little things are starting to register and the time in a hotel away from most of my little ladies is bringing certain items to mind.  The blessing of the fast paced schedule thus far has been that Stacey and I have had little time to dwell on the details.  Little things like getting a catheter in my right shoulder means that I cannot hold Paige on that side and should not be picking her up at all really.  That only reminds me that yesterday I hugged her older sisters (I mean I really hugged them) for the last time for a while.  After surgery I will have a great deal of healing to do prior to being able to give or be given a "real hug".  I am not complaining about it for the most part, hugs are not generally my favorite thing, but after being away from my band of princesses for so long it will be hard to still be "broken" when we do see them again in a few weeks.  There are many other small things that we may have time to think on now so the prayer we ask for now is that the time Stacey and I have this weekend will be spent wisely together.  I have a bad habit of sinking into myself and dwelling on things leaving everyone else outside my circle of trust... so pray that Stacey and I have the time to talk together and be present the next few days as everything sinks in and the reality of Monday, Tuesday and beyond come to bear.

The immense nature of our current undertaking still hasn't really hit me like I thought it would...  Stay tuned in case there is a panic-post...  The next step is signing a few more documents just in case things do not go as we plan on Monday.  This is something that can bring up scary or unpleasant thoughts and feelings but even in the midst of talking through "worst case scenarios" we know that we have already received so many good gifts from our Heavenly Father and that the best plan has always been His plan.  Because of that fact, there is little worry on our part and it would do little good even if there was.  We did not get to a major surgery by taking huge leaps.  We were led here little by little by a loving guide.  This latest development is just the next step planned out for us on our journey.  We are excited for what this all means for our family.  We are praising God for the path thus far and excited to see how this will change our path down the road.

I would like to post once more on some details for what we are expecting Monday and Tuesday then keep you up to date on our Hospital stay the rest of that week.  Lord willing you will see a few more posts shortly.

Jon Michael Moorehead

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