Thursday, March 17, 2016

Some days are longer than others (11362)

What a blessing we had in pain management and peace of mind our first few days.  It became an even bigger blessing when we had a day like today.  I had walked a good deal yesterday on muscles still recovering from so much surgery.  That did not take a toll right away, but over the next few hours it became apparent that we had gone too far.  It was the first truly miserable night.

My morphine pump came out along with several other tubes so I feel a little more independent but we are relying on pills alone to control pain and muscle spasms.  Before it sounds too much like complaining let me refer to the opening sentence.  We thought every moment of the first few weeks would all feel like today.  We know that this was an extensive surgery that will require a long recovery but we have already seen releif and peaceful nights so today was simply the proof that we have an ebb and flow of good and tough days ahead.

In the days ahead we will have more great days of rest and joy, but we also anticipate the fact that there will be some hard and painful nights.  These we take together as a blessing.  Both are part of our journey and both are designed for our good.
This evening we got to see more family.  Alex brought Sydney and Leah out tonight and they are planning to stay the weekend.  We saw Daniel and Charity's gang last night.  So far, all of theses younger ones have gotten apprehensive around to the Hospital version of their uncle... But in the cutest way.

We have been reminded again of all your prayers and gifts and comforting comments.  This would be so difficult had we had to "go it alone".  We are far from alone and it has made such a difference.  We thank God upon every rememberance of you!

We have another two days ahead of me here in the hospital.  They feel comfortable releasing me as early as tomorrow but we are more keen on getting one more day here to help us prepare for our recovery at home.  Mom and Dad Nichols should be in tomorrow and then Saturday we plan to check out of the hospital so I can join Stacey in the hotel.  Stacey's folks will help with that first transition then my folks will be in Monday or Tuesday to help us make the long trek home.

I am glad to have a chance, at last, to give an in-depth report today.  Once again we have seen God's goodness in allowing a window of comfort.

Jon Michael Moorehead

1 comment:

  1. We are fervently praying for you and Stacey, we love you!
